DeKalb County Board of Health Awarded $3.2 Million as part of Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s Prevention and Wellness Initiative, Communities Putting Prevention to Work
GPHA Membership Survey
GPHA is conducting a survey of its membership. The survey results will be used to determine the organization’s future direction, services and involvement, and help determine how our resources are used. The survey must be completed by April 4, 2010.
NCHS Issues Report Outlining Cesarean Delivery Trends
The National Center for Health Statistics report shows trends in cesarean delivery since 1991, focusing on the period from 1996 to 2007 when cesarean rates began to rise following a decline in the early 1990s.
GPHA Supports Legislation Requiring Seatbelts in Pickup Trucks
GPHA Executive Director Bob Stolarick recently sent a letter to the Chairman of Georgia’s Senate Health and Human Services Committee, expressing support for legislation requiring the use of seatbelts in pickup trucks.
HHS Launches "Best Bones Forever" Campaign
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently launched a campaign to promote bone health for young girls. Campaign materials are available, and include journals, posters, magnets, tattoos, book covers and a web site.
Healthcare Georgia Foundation Releases Election Guide 2010
The election guide was conceived as a nonpartisan effort to inform Georgia voters about each gubernatorial candidate’s vision for better health and healthcare in Georgia.
Majority of GA Voters Favor $1 Tobacco Tax Increase
In a recent poll, 73% of Georgia voters said they are in favor of a $1 tobacco tax increase to help cut the state’s budget deficit and reduce youth smoking.
Toal Testifies During FY 2011 Budget Hearing
Russ Toal, Immediate Past President of the Georgia Public Health Association, offered a testimony during a Joint Health Appropriations Committee Hearing on the FY 2011 Budget on February 25.
Call for Break-Out Session Presentation Proposals
The Fourth Annual Southern Obesity Summit will be held September 12-14 in Atlanta. The Summit Planning Committee has issued a call for proposals for breakout sessions.
All Hands on Deck
Georgia Public Health Association Executive Director Bob Stolarick is urging GPHA members to speak out in support of increasing the tobacco excise tax to prevent further state budget cuts.