Larry J. “Butch” Parrish was named Legislator of the Year during the GPHA Annual Meeting and Conference on Jekyll Island in 2022.

Parrish was born and raised in Swainsboro, GA and graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.S. degree in Pharmacy. He was president of his senior class in pharmacy school and was later awarded the UGA College of Pharmacy’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Butch served three terms as a member of the Swainsboro City Council and two terms as a board member of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, including one year as a chairman of the board.

In 2020, he was named Emanuel County’s Person of the Year. He has been named Legislator of the Year by the Georgia Public Health Association, the Georgia Rural Health Association, the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Georgia Hospital Association. Butch is owner of Parrish Properties, a real estate holding company and you can also see Rent360 Property Management and his advice that he has given for this company. He is currently serving his 19th term in the Georgia House of Representatives. Butch is married to Carol Parrish and has two children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.