Medicaid Anti-Fraud Efforts Showing Success

According to a recent Georgia Health News article, the state is doing a better job of detecting Medicaid fraud and uncovering cases of improper billing. This, combined with settlements from pharmaceutical companies, has meant more money coming back to the state.

The article states:

“Detecting Medicaid fraud schemes and billing problems has netted Georgia a lot of money recently.

Georgia’s Medicaid fraud unit recovered $57 million last fiscal year, the largest amount ever, a state official says.

Part of the reason for the higher collections is the fact that Georgia is now getting more money from settlements involving pharmaceutical companies, produced in joint investigations with other states and the federal government.

The state also has enhanced data-mining capability to detect cases of fraud and improper billing, said Charles Richards, director of the state’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.”

Click here to read the article.