Registration is now open for the GPHA Virtual Workshop and Meeting. In addition to an opening plenary speaker, you can choose from several great section presentations during the virtual workshop.
Congratulations 2022 GPHA Award Winners
Some of public health’s most passionate advocates were recognized during the 2022 GPHA Annual Meeting and Conference in Jekyll Island during the presentation of section awards and the Sellers-McCroan Award.
GPHA Mourns the Passing of Board Member Peggy Martin
The GPHA leadership is sad to announce that Peggy Martin, GPHA Board member and GPHA Board of Health Section Chair, passed away unexpectedly in July.
Download the Conference App
Browse the workshops, view the agenda, network with other conference attendees and more when you download the GPHA Conference App from Socio Events.
Call for Awards – Nomination Deadline Extended to March 1st
The awards committee of the Georgia Public Health Association is now accepting nominations for GPHA annual awards, including the distinguished Sellers-McCroan Award, to be presented during our annual conference. The deadline for submission for all awards is Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 5:00pm.
Call for Abstracts!
DEADLINE EXTENSION: All abstract submissions are now due January 18th, 2022. The Georgia Public Health Association has issued a Call for Abstracts for the 92nd Annual Meeting & Conference of the Georgia Public Health Association in Jekyll Island, GA, May 4-6, 2022.
FORMAT CHANGE: The Health Professionals Workforce Development Workshop is Going Virtual
UPDATE: The 2022 Health Professionals Workforce Development Workshop is going virtual. The registration fee has been decreased to $20 per person!
Silent Auction is Now Open!
GPHA is hosting an online silent auction in conjunction with this year’s virtual GPHA Conference. Anyone can view the auction, but you must create an account on the auction site in order to bid on items. Funds raised from the auction will help fund GPHA initiatives including student scholarships for future GPHA conferences.
New Address for Payments
GPHA has a new address for all payments and correspondence.
Register for NALBOH Spring Symposium
Registration is now open for the first ever Spring Symposium of the National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH). Virtual sessions will focus on policy, advocacy, board of health resources and messaging, and lessons learned through the COVID-19 pandemic.